t Progress Report on Fisheries Development in Brazil INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AQUACULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION/AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. DENNIS ROUSE, Director AUBURN, ALABAMA DECEMBER 1974 CONTENTS Pagre IN TR O D U CTIO N ------------------------------ --- -------- 3 B A CK G R O U N D --- - --- -- ---- ----- -- --- --- --- --- ----- ----- - 3 INTENSIVE FISHCULTURE EXTENSION --------------------- 4 S tra te g y ------------------------------------------- P rivate F arm s----------- ----------------------- ----- 4 Fingerling Supply ----------------------------------- 5 DNOCS Irrigation Projects --------------------------- 5 E conom ic Study ------------------------------------- 6 Fisheulture M anual ----- ---------------------------- 6 Sao Francisco River Fishculture ----------------------- 7 MANAGEMENT OF SMALL, NATURAL IMPOUNDMENTS FOR PRODUCTION OF FISH -------------------------------- 7 COUNTERPART TRAINING -------------------------------- 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -------------------- 10 Extenision Personnel ---------------------------------10 Fingerling Supply ------------------------------------ 10 COVER PHOTO. This day's catch from a local reservoir will supply high quality fish protein to supplement the diets of several families. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. Progress Report on Fisheries Development in Brazil JOHN JENSEN' INTRODUCTION to thle l)NK jl-eiietoli ito of F~ishei es midl lislittltt Ic. all ilgiTCC11clit XX 115 signedl lX SUiDEN E M , 1)NOCS, id 17 All) li Mahai 1972 proi iii ig techii l assistance to l)N 0(7 for ilteiisiXe fisbeutic Cxtcislimi. I)CXeloiiig it filhilltuiC exteiisioi sCIXvice is paIrt of' this pr1oject's purposeX its stated lin other intelrageiicy agreeCiii tX, to -establish XX ithill i N)OCS the caiicit \ to earrxV ouit fisher ies researe , iiipro(vXe aiid Cii cooraige extC!iiso XI v .~ XcIXIes, aid df"- Xeo ChivkIC it te! fisheries resouirces.- DeXveliomeit (if' an ex- te iisioii seric m C 0akes it possXible' ti, itdi th I pro1 jec t' goiJ of "incrleasinig oveCrall produictioin of' iliilil Ipioteili ff01)) fisli throuigh illldctIoii of flslieliltlrC to faill Ipoiil5." Diiriiig tile ilithol 5 toul (If dititX frin\it NX 1972 to Iiiii 1974, substii ial priogress XXIIX made tI)XX id (hCXeloiliig a V iable, iitoiioil)oiis flslcililtilCe Cxtellsioi seIXvlce XX Ithin IeS~ili'dt Assoiaite, I)epai tiflit of FiIsli ai5lid Allied A(iliiti Delip~tlin it of Woiks Aaaiiist thii fDloilit) l'DWS. Also, iltit isiX 1 fislenltire XXXjits iroiiedi to) ftri pilli t the Nor1tlheast its for eseei I it) the pr ojclt goal. Miall ketabie fish oiriinai g from1 fiaitosMX far LIII)) )1(1Clltilic sh~ould(, ill timell b1h1tilitiaillX1( cAlea fish p)iodlictioiI ill B13il iil's Nor1thieast. T his. ill tliiii, %% ill improveiX thle getielii XX CII beinig ot the people 1)X iiiereasilig the i1)II01lit of pi1oteiii ai'l ilible foiliiin 1111a)collsliiptioII ill(1 f)X ci evtiiig iCXX ill- I his1 ReI)01t XX\% Xill ummilrz and ev(1 aXIloalte US AID tchijcal assistiiCC inl fislicnltnue exteisioiIi ilmed ot miider the Ali- 1)011 i UiX Ci sitv Contract All) e-sd -22() Task Or der 8. A sItij~iXmn ofexni C~Cil)1i( tixitit 5 ill iiitt li(X C 81d( less jltelSX C fisliciltuie XXiII bei foihJ,1\ i b\ 1t 'Ii' 1ss101 of coiitei 1 )ri BACKGROUND BelowC theC dgiCeCIneit 1)1ovXi(Iilig tecCoi1cal assistanlce ill fish- culturie (\tCei~sim to l)N(XS XXit as ilged lii 1972, the oilk exteiIiOi piogla e111 xistilig XXitliin tile D\O( S oimi tio WXas1 ill fishi teeh! ologs. Iiesilts of iliteiiXIX fisi lii ltir rIe-I XelCII1 CIIlilchit, XIXlyliI ill 1969 alt theC IsO(S ( Iliter fori Aerial view of the Intensive Fishculture Research Station in Pen- tecoste, Ceara. Built in 1969, this station now has 56 research ponds. Fishi tles Research ili Pet tecoxte, ( eatrit, hfad iilreatix clc'at'ix lemootratt'd thatt itlttisixe fishbtitl'( 'otldhe it' \ falble ig- rictilturi al tilprise li the Northeist. Tusx there x all ev ideot nee'd forit fislictltutl excteosio)1 setrvice. Bespot (li g to this need, the U~SA~II) techi iclll dxxistiml pt r 1oject ol itel- siv(' fishltuitte et'\eliisoll pri- il(d ilcalls ofI maiig~ ltes INTENSIVE FISHCULTURE EXTENSION No flshcuitilll tlditiool etlt i( /Il itx it dloes i10 ccl tl Asizil 0r Ettt' eiijct coiti bux lt it \\ ax ltciex et that ho tili cool d b e 0 (t ix tcdl to it mXc t ill xo ch ioll t'l itct prix if, it \\cie deoo )1strated to be euc i lncaliv Souttnd. lTherefhotec cm pil dxi fittelx I icuttite 1)1 ftsx, t'xJpetia ill u thet State of ,eia aItl Bitili Notheast. ititetix ie fixhltilte wix dxocaix111 llt'\x ixtetit itt tile Ntheltast, wxith thte Sttfe iif ('euioa hilluix io11111 2 x eats ii(Ttl Strategy B\x jutie I 97:4, resuxlts of, ecillix illicalt,'! t ilt till tilfllt- TIu/ojn Itotitorioto 1111(1 tetale iU/Iia Itiliitica -"\\,ix promtfiig etioigl to he t eco nt'ttdi~ed tot prliv ate lisxt tiitotigli ii] exte'llol pt lgratt. DNO(:S pubhlicittd tis inthilit of' cui- finIlets iti pitltitiill fixshfa tilleis \\exlli. Crossing the female Tilapia niiotica (top) and the male Tilapia hornorum (center) produces an all-male Tilapia hybrid affspring ( bottom)I. tile i3NM(S fixflcill t' t'\ttelxiill xt'i t. 1acii iittetet fat ol ix thlt xvixitetd. i liltol arleal ix extllit itd utiid atd fcitmot III(cia 1 xcilt ori l~ottil itt iixe fixlittiltitr ile it a xiixi cot's fl otitftliliff ltals ori tol (eletl itte tio tillami iilioxx h\ Met (If thet most t'fft'ttix toi'uttx if i\tiiiii is tirlt h ieiontitttttittt T o cr eatt' itiiterti it r uttix t x ilttittiig ct'tit' xilttexx andt extalisxh titt tht prora tt l i it'xxxithil it iiix ext trittt allIt ttchilit'i calpilcitx' of thei prospectixve lilt linclTh S)\O('S extelxiltl xetrvice ix imleeittittlg tixix t's hiiciti- 1 ntxxililitit'x lil Success. Thesext projetst ate gixe I'llostte suiper- x iti fbx i)NOS piittttei. Shoudillt I ll ilt~'1)111 II i l ixliIti t Iles toI I'llit thll ii Itt lix( Private Farms f'or iiitt'tiix fixltcutite. Of thet'e 2~5 aitims. xxhc itititI ptt ill atietittxtit tex ctill-s()S to xitppslxd tfiteti tigestl e gx.~ tatul mesixxltitxe l ttiiilth xoltv ft t ltx~tc'aidit a "I ~ - , li-i, ("it ttce,11 tll c l i l l fiex ol of I' tiltI I 'ito ~it gIil it tlixt t, Ie cesxlt it pots ate le tlittiIt sti) e's. Etli i'\tios titi oxtl (:itt m tSt at. clta Th l'lth iltlti'e pi hybrcix is' \iali llgtoie ateix ii fx~ lillt t'fiitttt't x xx uTh a l -llr x''t i ltcxxve ('it t i~ t et il ttt suiituxenttft ex titi tt tak pi-o ix tttegr ttl cr~ftottetsi \e iit tilli im titx rtax oit D W cmtot etl k xiifaeiarc~ fieif 2lttttex ifige eet whit' ilttillttix i.itxed thestittti'- }ttis. ott' rottsift o t thit xx(, axi'tx tttit'tixoar xtt'ti xxaxti'sttti'i.e ltio pro duc pure si g txx k it xx(I ' . Jjj(( I titl~ tttat'i ttd x ii tt xltt'i'd xx titl bi\ setxits xxi et e initr ltx~ r tfm ii g atto tSet'xi. t iahx is tIihci the hihtat o tt 1ott't tcal be) t'reti i.1tt' littxle tix itet. xx bet. t ' fijttrsitx etri tFnit. riiaaii cmwt 5', 5'- h~ ~' A II' 4 Top: A 6,000-square-meter, semi-natural fishpond on the "Fa- zendo Joramatoia" with reservoir in background. Bottom: Inex- pensive dam used to flood semi-natural fish ponds. The low in- vestment costs result in higher profits for fish farmers. it-iti se ot 51.5 kiltigi ihux ) ft th11de stockiuug xx tigiit of 85 ikilogt aills. i'i iectitig thetse iix tIi\ t ll tt's. fish producittioii per1 ti1littis. 'Fit', pttid xx'ias t'ilrtit'ti xxitf 1ttt kilogi am' of' tiple suloci pliosphait iii txxo ii x t'kl\x applitiutioi betfiiie stot'kiiuug fish., itilt t11iig ft'e culturie periodi titkei i 1tt ite xx jIS il)_ \hiiux' farnruli iii Miii atgiq p f'lilloxx et the protgr ess il tile' tollt'it of fit 1 ill ilexIlts xx ie lilt ipossile,' samiples that \vx ct takeii jiitiC(l tlilt fixitelIltuIrIe xx ttliflltlililll 1111 hae ilel! protfitalelt. Seepage tiiioigii thet r'sets oi. thitii is xiifficieolt to ilititajol the poiid xx dci cxcil A lio 5 ('t haiii xx as exeds attl hIeal the draiii to facilitatte h arvext. 'Approxiiatel5 ' v 8,00 Ido'i p ix hhridx (10,0001 per lietaire) sx tociikced iii the )1( p on ixr Apr il 19T4. Fisih are being fed at moi)st xxhil t bit afIeed i 01ce ditilY T 7 dax s per xx cck at i Cliditlated i I tc of I ilciccilt of tit(c stiliig clap;] of' fixsi. III iadditioil i ill] ij at itiex of it to at tic. fcitiii, 4111 iiii tal taiii le leilg pc ijodicails applied to tite poiil. Fecediitg i atex ate idioxted ('dcii inittli Iv tikfiiig fish salts l~ces to iliasilc xx (igilt gaitl. '1i'a cieage xx eighlt giiii per. fish duiiito thet fiirxt 2~ mtit \its x9x S g'illilsx. Food coixc]rxiot After a1111ioimlatex 4 niiottli gi oxxti, tile lix id it hoxuliid ix ia~gc 209' gi-ais. [fatrxestinig xx ill ilegili at titit time' adi is xc ted to ibe coltdill t' i t pi a eriodt of a pproi xiimately I nmuth. Miost of the fish xxiii be ma~rketed iii the titxxii Of \iar itoim~lpe. xx Iicit is i1t kilometers axx ax. If ietatil pi ices for- fish remiii abouit the same (C'i84.()()' to Ci S5.00t per kilo- gl'alo iii Mari tguipe ) inl ii('t this fariei xxiii ihave ie- citsered hlis iix extoi tit o ('iS 4 ttttt paitl tpei atit ig coxts, atol realizedia it t. \iiix farmtetrx iii the \liii amtlitape area alre ,ixx iitig tue r'eslults of, tile hlars't. If toliilioed tiiat ilittlisix t fishliiltur' cii lbe pi oh t ibc a ixm oIf t 11(1) ic expected to b egioi cuii- tuiau fixh ohl theii mox ai atl. Areat lariiiet , biiikers, aiid teiioit iiid iiexxspikpel poti iialists xx\ill he itixitcd to xx'atcii ti t(' firt tit s t at the l'azet tdi Passa gTent Fr iiicit. Fingerling Supply At pi esilt, I ilopia fIix id fiiigt'thogs ale bintg pirotducedl it the Pet itt coste, Ctatra, liitetisix( i' slicitltiii cIlexeaiici Stit Ilimi ioio A tile fish hatchets \ ilfettiliit 1"iaita iii \larani 'lpCear a. Ilie fiitget hugs It tita Pitecoste atec used pi Ilatrilx ill I esel l ttt those fril 11 Wa\\,ldet'mar Ft iit'a for I cxcri ii stockinig. Ilitxx el ixi. 1111titll itt tiit' fitgerliigx ft il i'at' ixtaitii ii are 1Iio diigfistibu ltted free to ceirtain ii a t oxxiierx Crosx ilig ititel ext ill fixsi pi tl tili xx\ill puixhitaiilili det- itoitili loii fitiget iigs imuch lies tit the caplicits (If boith tit Theirefoire, to mlalke adetiuate xstoik s otfi h gerioags aviiai 1111 xx ill reqirte e\ 1 )oiiitg tltill beediiig pro~g imi tot othetr IJNOCS tol'ttii fil)igci hug pi tltltittl k~ pus alt' t'ttt'prttiietirs, oir trililg the fish fitrinets thtemslelv es tio nioiiti 111( tCroiss- brt'e't gt'tltticl putte speci's of' ITi/l;ia Although theit' tter m)ethodi~ xx ittlt p1ioithll lbe tile bettert fiu soltiiii. it tloist he imlemen'litttedf xxitli ciittitlit to pi event IlloigI eliztliili xxIIiti WI l 5 roiI Ieduittce thlt ('1,1itt's of prtoding iiiiii ilt' off- DNOCS Irrigation Projects tciibic feet iir mille ) itat the rt'sptliistllilitx iif iNOCS. WXitliti the pasit x t'ears iV'OCS hlas t'iohairked il i avsigoroos flilil iof fouls titili/itlg~ thte xx ltel rexsoutrces iif these t i'5tirsi' ix bloiiig in igiitil xx tt's ill thei litxx' flat x llii'x' sittuatetd fleioxx tile dfimis. Ili each x -uili'x xx ici ' xtuiliex xlittx that ir- clearet'ti andii io ved us ii i tilufiIuu ii rigliiltllil 1111(S tlrai tIrx xx -it(Iut of slippili liltiltl i id pe illi of10u fish Xx iit.It iii. Wi1th ('l(iiA sxlit rC ~ d\ e1)0 it cool tox iriili li proje c a lDN.O(S reserir l!\ would 1)e chtll~xl \\it it a Vidlex' blllow thati is 'iitctl to fixhciiltiiio but xxic d1(1(oxs not offer soil mid wxater ('11 (itllloii suiable for terresxtrial crops. tour mlitll ilotilel tocilmicl dxsistalice (clnt!ract 110m 11] 1v~ 1974 to JoIx 1N75. Economic Study Fisheries Seric x~ a b(rx d ~olit to Bil /lldc the(1( liii' 1! xlt coiitiact to assist ill all ecoii llloc tcaliblitx xtiidv lot the ill- tiixiv 0 tit ii of te iilapio lox hiidx iii the \oithitcat xx itl special atteiitioll to l)'O(.S iriittiii pojectx. 'Ili, ill],1)' is at profit anid loss xtatteineiit elaboirated I)\ the toiixiItitiit lld the I)NOCS fixheies econlomist for ('lilt!!! ilig I lioctollc of fishl (10t,000t fingerings ) ool at 1)OCS iiiigatiii pi oject. lictui i oil total inxvextmlent is projected( at :34 pecen t. V'111 Ii xii) LOSS, S1I xii\!I I Poill Jil I)i it )ill ID OCLi hiL OI\ I)\OCS 11I IOiiN PHI 1 ! I i Dam and 8,000-square-meter fish pond on the "Fazenda Passagem Franco." Total annual fish production should be about 4,500 kilograms, worth more than Cr$1 8,000 at present retail prices (U.S. $1.00 Cr$6.68). m7ists. the l)'OCS Diirectoirate' l lixli(riex im( 1'islicltlll C the ill- corp joratioln oIf fixslcliltili ill tihese p7rojects \x 1( adtd coil- oil1der tlix ((llt! act, ill (' cclil~lic fcillxiiilitx' xtoilx xxas dll) rated for ioiteiv c hxiicuituii ili 1\O(S irrigaltioni proljects. Alsxo. tilt exteni 'dlli xcr ice publ1 1 ixsh('d a simple 1)10 1)11 (11011! Ilivix fixll(IliltlirCe i1llua1il fill it'( I)x lllist fixi fill (oier. DNO( CS receixved fliial ) ltell) f rm SC 131 \ StT)EN E to flii i thle ill) iiitatioll (If' fixht'iltlil t' ill iriitioll pro1ljects. At the( tilme lof tilixs reporlt.,i'x iitI hod c b cii oxcii oil xxhijch to Ilegil! olitI lictioni of tlie firxt illll that xx ill he Inlliagl'l IliiitIN Ihx xlxciiia coloixt farmers, x,] il)\xill dxvide theo prolfitx. If successful1 thle ro11 of1 fixlttii ill tilt iii igaltilil 1711olcctx \\ll xo c e xiiid pii l cidii itr (' s! I '~illis i litcex oil Sill liill' fis.tl 11 lli il~l OC ililno p11( oopos, it lddi Itci Fixerd cost I)NoCS iiiixt dtuix n ii 11!g ToitaIl fi\Cd ost Variable cost Opeato s0 labor oid Variabl cost ' ill jocol Ii (.3,8 1:3 kg4. ((' Ci8,6t) g.) Pft'1 I I-111ilithl c\ cit Cr8 10)2 :321 1,388 1 W3 Cr8' 1,91-1 CiS 4,476 820) 571 510) 146 2863 42 '7357 117 220) Ci-8 7,2.3 Cr8S 9,167 Ai I iiial Cr8 lit :350) 1,514 [ 12 Cr,$ 2,0)87 (3I$ 4,88:3 895 (62:3 589 159 :312 46 :38 128 240) Cilo 7,91:3 Cr 1:3,72(3 Cr814,974 ('rS 4,559 Ci' (11974 Fishculture Manual As it tcachlilig too]~ allit inillis Ilf llixllillittili.a Id rexlilit 1of DNO( S fixiicuitoi 0 reerch, i1 xii71l' but clm 1 i-'ht'lxsix c Iilapill lhx lrill xxit pulishexlid ill 19)74 xxithi I Ililti frolo IPei x'," ix di rectedi tllxxa rt the lxx (I!ca tillai1 lve of1 mo1sI talsill c ai esloi gie to( h el p iii miiexpe0ritiie 1(0(1 i' 11r tiinderi- lexveix. I'ix iiiooiial sholdt b)e 0111' of till' illor' llx('fll lii ccl ilog dbexvice'x used ill trililgii( coloistx ill fixliculturt Cii tic' DNx (CS irrigation Ipirojects. Top: Tilopia hybrid production tanks located at DNOCS Woldemar de Franca fish hatchery in Moranguape, Ceara. Area of each tank 36 square meters. Center: Harvest of 7-hectare pond located Annual profit reached Cr$2,466 per hectare for this farmer. Soo Francisco River Fisliculture I XXII t IjIS55 te inatk' b\s thet aiithot to the low'er Sao Fralici sco ivxci Val le \ iil ti e I cnoedlo Regioni to olbserve exist- S iiig fislicoltore operatiows oil local farms. Fsliciilture was beglii iii this regioli appi oxjm-atelv 9 \cears ago lIN I farmer allii \10 iticltitis at least 1t0 others. Lakes lateral to til m nargoti of the S ao Fra i csco Ili ver are often uitilizedl as poiits b\s eoitrolliiig the eiitialce aiid exit of wsater wxith gates col ostrocted ili thle watel wav liikiiig tile Lake to the rixver. Other pondics ar e coiistrocted ini small wxa- tersliecs usinig r-unoff or- smiall perioanenot streamrs for wxater supplies. Th'lree species of fish are coltored: the ei rimiata paeu. (Prochl/odus no gelao s) , m aodi am iar elo ( Pimc (lo(/O. ('far as) 5 ~aild pi a tixerdadeiro (ULpoini os p.). Of these three, the toiiinata pacoi n akC Lop 80 peen0t of' tot al fish produtctiton from these ponds. Fislieolture sy stemis ire poorlx' dexveloped doec to laei. of techloical ki ioxx-hoxs. Stockiiug rates are lows (90(0 fish per hectar e ), siippleniental feedin g is almnost noo-Iexisteot, and fertilize rs (eit her or1gan ie or- iii101gao ie) are oil IVset 1 oeea- 11nal. l pr CseI t methods haxve heo learned thirough trial Althuough the mnethods are rudimieitar\ , proufits are firpres- sixe, m ai ox1 becautise oIf' the lii ghi price for 'xich fish '.1are sold oil the local market allci the ci~oj),ratix elx' loxw cost of' pro- duction. Deniaiof is high throoghout the xYear btut (leililaid als Wxell as pric es ioci-ease dorii ig the Easter \Velk because Hoioaii (Catlmlic traditioii reqirles the eai g(ffs r Iigti entiire wxeek and thle popiilationi is heax ilv Catholic. Moist fish farers therefore hlarxvest dloriwi Easter X\eek. Ili 1974. thle lai-gest r egional fish farmner harv ested 1 22 hectares of poolds during Easter aiic realized at iiet profit (If Cr$2,46(i per bee- ~' ~ ~ 5'tare for- tie xYear. Fisliculttire iii the losser Sao Francisco River Valley is iniqtue iii Brazil. Learninog miodern fishetllture techiiiques would1( he greatlx heoeficial tt farroers of the area. Althouigh l)NOCS is inlterested ill xx tkiog xxith fisli fariners ini this 4 area, it has im dlirect aiithoritx b~ecause the Peoeclo lRegioo is I(Iot wxithino its j11 istlictioni. DN\OCS could assist fishi farmners inl the Pei edo Rlegioni Iv offeriog in tei six e fisliculture traillilig to regionial agricultur al exteilsiollists xwhot, ill turn0, couild keep thle fishl fairmers abrieast of nexw methiods ats they ale (level- uiped fby lNOC S r esearchers. A great fisheculture pottenltial exists iii the Loxwei Sao Firancisco Rixer Vallex and shlotldt iIot he left undevelopedc for lack of trained teelloical assis- tanI ce. MANAGEMENT OF SMALL, NATURAL IMPOUNDMENTS FOR PRODUCTION OF FISH 'T'll(, culture (of fish i oil iiteu six( b hasis is expeeted to iii- pulse the eco iltIl\ Of inxoxclfarmers aid itwxorkers, andt to pw~xide a souirc e of' high pi oteiii f tood at a price most xvage on riers and1( t ratdespeopl e ciiall ilod Sud i a pro(gram is hadlv Ilcded becaiise a lairge segmeclt of tile p~opullationl of thce Nor theast exists at a subsisteiice lexvel. Almrost all of their loot) itil ( ote t~d to talt' Produtiedl Lx tloioxoix," o5il sitliall plotx of Util o( il \\ lilt Ii tlt('x lixve. Fixsh, att xxliatt'x i loxi jptit.' ,ltc ttlm 1 )lt'tei) bllt )1( their mneiox. 'te lJ\O(S fixllitite extctix bit xerxvlee hils x liii ted Ut 1)1 (grim to iliclei ase thit ' pro ciiictioii ttl fixlh ill smnall iatoral itpoiiimeiits ltt ill eflttrt ttt idlilate tbe plighit oft tiese pettple. 'itle olbjetivxe of' tis prog ram is tct prttxvido 10100 .l proteil i at atimttst not cost bxv iitilizttt smiall hotbox of' xxater (bttl Thiexe botdies ttt xx ite, Ioit 51)0111 test'x irs, blttrttx p)its, ori ptttlx.s ]it\(' 0 alxx x protxidiecit a xinilli tIotttttitx oti fix]) t) rtii- iaiti 4.xlt~ox xp. ) 0 ter thesxe pittix coitiig tit', ratt ix xcit- si \\-]tec'ti ft(x o ot illttx iittt feropfxlat x rivers. Thet'x fish .0t'e catptoret in tie villlageirx lsixtlix ititii the( cix\ xsoitl. At titis timie ofi x ear tiicir tdietx are thle motst cieficentt ill staple fodii tiic the( fishi, therefore, Utr' im imot1trtalt rtesottrce. T) ittereaxe the fisht pi tdntititt of theise xx aterix a toekilii irgrail xx\\xits it iia foci uiitig tbiO 1 1(1 T itt xpeis T00x 11)ilp .( tti/ltitl, I it/ltl bitt tttt hu, itil ii p 111(1let 0 ll/i. Tilalpias xx etc cel t' tot- stockilig b~ecaus isIt x\\,its thouttgh t thant thitiIr groxxthl ill teitipi 11 pttici (thotse' tlttitttold xx ater lot at least 4 mtttlis tof tle x\car) xx itlti bc slifihi''tt tt etmpeniixlteor) the Cttx cti ts tx pense0 iof it i xetrl stiekit tgx. Jol inort' pc'rtitiicit fpit ci, ort thtoxt tihat cit ipl titi ill dlroughit cxlix tt \\,axslbeliexvedi that li/up/a xxmilld fill giatigw ticlflex tot all re',i filled I)n i ai~ilxe fish xpeces, theicref )x ittct t'.si ig picitlit' tiitti. TliIt tthlsprot' Nox'otlti alsoi pi itxide 11111 ola foodic i eil iix itiii fixli suchli ax tri ot.. To text this li fttlexix txxo xrialf treserix s c wixxere elioset for stti lg, on te lc's t iii hi1 eetirs itt surlae' atreat Ioited ill LII til iml, Ceait, itici tte .ipploximtellti 7 lieetitres itt sit-e il Cratl Cc'atra. Btht ctioiititt' ill x Ilicli the resetrvohrs tol itx of \xlel fitch at'sislctice filtiris. 'I 'lii' l'iririio trc'c'ixvoir is etotiilcreci piniil slite tilet ]its[t imc' it ilticdc wxits ill 19.8. 'I'll(, c'xixstiig fish ptt 1 lilitltill is etomplotsed ttl thotse ittiiec species tlit ci metionte'c. The' reserivxoiril t I( ttittil is ct tisici'cc tt hit tel)pitriirx i c'xcrx'ir lbecausc' it ciriccd c'ofpli'tcl il 1972 .iil iii mtll-x pre'" lti x ears. No Itilitix c fish popcililitixn wer fc ottic ill Ci iati resx erv xoil it the time I i/o a ti w xetrc sttc'ked. Befet iiitoekitig ( Jib/tia iti intititattig at eieel cetiti, Stuln- lples xx cc takc'ti i tron tlic Unii li t csc'ix tir to c'stimaite tilec sttnii n liig erop tf fI6i. Ftotr soct ito iwxxith knotxx isxrifate areas x'erie c-lisci iaindi, cloim 1 tlic't tight, gtilli i ts tof i-ceeitimietei strc'tc iti esl i xxci set to }t cit it tlic escaeti ott fish wxithiin thle ait. TI'le titlltxxiiig moitt r iiii eii' wer'ie used to eciptiire fish trtippeci xxitliti leli itrc'.. lFixsi sctieci titd g -ill tottet iitsicic tilt areais xx\ete initistiiedcl lmitecl. iiti xxciglicti. A st imioi c it1 rit P f ill15 kiitill)) ni ' pe iecttare xxits tile avxeralge Itl l ite 1 972 I'i/op ia It rtiit)ti w xere? stocked iii k 011 rim) reseri ir at i ti'i xi tx of 5)))00 1e hectaiie, aii icT1. iii/tul ic at ,30t) pc'r icttie wee ' de ti ictiit 197.3, F-'ishintg wa s suspe'nde'c tiitil ApilI 197:3 thc't fixliiig xx\its tllowex eito iit creel c-eniis itilititt'c. R~ecorcis xxr c'm'atdc' fbx speces', xx eights, Ut itT Cap9- liirx cxl tuit c'lmitgc' itt spec tts)cimptsitiont xx c're hollotxxt'i citixcl - . Ax ati itic-c'itix c tit reportt ealteiiex. hic hottkx itttl litit \\,its ec'\ctlltt thu's thtc c iis isl cotliitc-tit tot Ib' liiglilx i- Cutratc'. For tilc I xc'tti peicl lbginiiiit4 lt April 197:3, ttal pro- 4 0 I' r ~ '4 -'4 4''' ~ 5; 4 Rural families supplement meager diets by eating fish captured in drying borrow pits and small ponds. Boys fish with "choqus" or thrust baskets. dutiii \\iax 1,474 kilttgris, o1 .592 kiliti i pet' liett'tri per x'etr, wxitih imost of thc' catct iclc' becdx''ci April 197:3 titnc 1.ituitrx 1974. letx x t, t-ilis ill the lasxt few oi)ttitls ( Jim- Ir\Apil) iitc't tcrecl xxithi fi xiiriel efft o itrt s atd i rti dic'cic'd this time of x r to. itc tiic iiic-c'itixe ftti pc'opie t) fish cli' crieases. Ii(I/i(t o)lcie ill) 7.9 pet ci t ofi tilt' titil pi itctl l, or 46 kiliograiis per hiectaire per x'ear. /lt ia nitoi it rtxcie stoiekedi ill ( roait rest'oiir. 1This wxax ciii loig thet Ititix se'asitn tiid tiht xxttet xxits risiing. A c-reel c-c'ttxix total 1 'i/u1 ia prodclictt) ireaiclt c'i :30) kilogirtm s tor 1 20 kili- gTi .iinx pet lic-titre per x etit bitt hegiii hallitig off xialtvl ;is iicix x riitix ctiuiced it dceec itt lisliltg prsue 'I'lii' toitti proticictioi fi gore rc-ordicec fotr t i 'a Il \ear i t r it' c'ir becautse tli itri)or 'e ix cdiffictlt tio x1tiex ixc' titic' to it', latrger size. 'F'lit' (:rottt filitrmet wee ailsit le'sx coortit't ei i' l re- ut fishccltiiic projct such is this is ox idcit. lit xxii x"imtll lbodiies tol xxte .ioivtxr 1,4))) kilograms oh' fish xx irc' litrixc'tedi ~l ~ No fish is too small for this group of young foshermen who display their catch. hil1id1(d1 ofI tit t 11 I XII(IS ofI XtLI 1id l boiitx of, XX LtlI ill till "XIIItlicatI . I LII l l mosLIt oi tiltX XXel CCIlo llai4,i Nilliflarix XIII s i~ lifIzoIt aLloli o1111( [ish 114 IloLt(' XtIlkildg tiex XXdi e t caNctllh Ila\ ll sie XLIIIac Lx totIII I il th i t ofI I i th rura1il poor. LII A tiiti lDltCil effCr iL~ll 1 4 tillt area fwo ld beitelle Ion telLX ll xx CII t a l i t ll It I lti)Il LI S I t ier l 1 i'll il t 111 iL lo llI SVDFPE_- has ioed It imprac LI' ilillitheporib Ilt lltlille th til )LX liI)IlLelt Ith ilitia It.satc SOx e fi It i I It . 1 re. T i I b ilogist sIX lo~t III liv %\ ('ii (1 lalified ' it tiit po)iXt oLII, he i i s~ li II lo\ ted ,ltltd Lh ll to ((oLII ll III(Lte XX 1 \\ X it I II I ril lI larietI tILI llat ii x !e hi ( al jo olln lt1l ill t LI tLI to a tei fllloilg eaoxikild1111(1(1 tOlImb till. Iol Itctilt lolthtili 1 l Iler ilittIexet ill filililill hasi ill- CICIX((i toL tile extenit tilt tilt XX rkilnl is tool igl lit fl. i(,~ ptEIXIIII At tis tille, lio\%eer (XI )O(S is nolt lI I p)LLitiool \itcr tiniiXIICCCXXli tflilts Ct Illilli to XeCIIC .Lttitjllll iwelleiex . I )\O( .5 LIXi(w pal t tile l\tliIoll (iIltilXs to tw o fisI hat1w?\1 ttIIit oi ll ixI tll)r V 1 IX' wLill kI tI 111 111111 tel Xlii X 1 k xi ilegil Ilc llt liXlaitatIlll IIX tole tLll Itil lltX t rcordsll XIII kleaXXiili t I suil, CII lld cstrcll , INO( iliLi dL stfi~ili Ill ishhsI.1 olpee 11drtesl~~~i f CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Technical assistance rendered under the Auburn University Brazil Contract, AID/csd-2270, Task Order No. 8, provided the initial impetus and training for forming an extension service for intensive fishculture within the DNOCS Directorate of Fisheries and Fishculture. This program put research re- sults to practical use in intensive fishculture, which was in- troduced for the first time to farms in Northeast Brazil. Also, training personnel in basic extension methods was a major accomplishment during the present contract. For continued progress in forming an extension service capable of satisfying the needs of farmers and for systematic development of intensive fishculture to its fullest possibilities, the following recommendations are presented: Extension Personnel Expansion of intensive fishculture will require more trained extensionists to provide the necessary technical assistance that farmers will need. Perhaps through agreements with the state agricultural extension services, DNOCS will be able to meet this manpower requirement. Other possibilities include interagency agreements providing for the transfer of person- nel from the State Secretary of Agriculture to DNOCS, which has been done before, or by assigning current DNOCS em- ployees to extension work. New extension workers from whatever source will require up to a year's training in fishculture and extension work. Per- sonnel chosen should be those who appear to be motivated for this type work and sensitive to the problems of the people they are to assist. In view of the greatly increased workload that is expected in fisheries extension, DNOCS should begin its training pro- gram as soon as possible. Fingerling Supply To date, DNOCS has had no problem providing sufficient numbers of fingerlings to the few farmers involved. Within perhaps 2 years, however, the presently existing DNOCS fish hatcheries will not have the capacity to supply the fingerlings that will be required. To prepare for future fingerling requests, DNOCS should initiate fingerling production in all hatcheries in areas where intensive fishculture is to be introduced, increase the finger- ling production capacity of all hatcheries by constructing more spawning ponds, and authorize fingerling production by a selected few private farmers or firms. The last method should provide the most important permanent source of hy- brid fingerlings in the years ahead. 10